Nov 6, 2014

It's Framing Men, Hallelujah!

We are moving along right on schedule. Well, our newest schedule. 

Framing started on Monday and is moving pretty quickly!
It will be really nice to see walls instead of having to imagine them. 

Jake and I had mandatory training on Monday, so we weren't around on day 1. It made me a little nervous, but my dad was available if anything went wrong. 
Thankfully everything seemed to go fairly smoothly... We're also thankful that our house is down the road from where we ordered all of our building material because a few things were forgotten. Like nails. Who needs nails to frame a house?!

Knowing we couldn't be there we had arranged for the supplies for day 1 to be delivered on the Friday before and our framer had the most current set of floor plans and the rough opening dimensions for the windows before starting. 

We rushed out to the house after our training day to see the progress, it was getting a little dark, but this was day 1 of framing:

Picture of the back of the house

The back wall was framed. The windows look huge now, I love them!

The load bearing wall next to the stairs was also up because it was needed for the steel beam to be installed the following day. 

As we were leaving the house on Monday night we got a call from our framer. He had noticed that 6 floor trusses weren't made long enough to account for the fireplace sticking out of the back wall. 
Just a small oversight by the truss company, but they fixed it right away. 

This is the plan for the floor trusses that they sent trusses for. Notice the back wall is completely flat?

There should be a few longer trusses to support the fire place, like this:

The trusses were dropped off the next day and all is good!

The steel beams and floor trusses were installed Tuesday/Wednesday:

The subfloor is going down now, glued and screwed to prevent movement and squeaky floors. 

The garage walls are also framed, ready to go up

And even a bit of sheeting is on the back of the house. 

Today we dropped off the saddles for the deck posts and the post should be arriving this afternoon or tomorrow. I can't tell you how excited I am that it's finally looking like a house, and that the weather has been cooperating for the most part. I just want the windows in and the roof on before our first snow storm! November, in Canada... This isn't too much to ask for is it? 

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