So what's been happening?
1) We have doors! They took a little longer to install because most of our rough openings were just a hair too small. Great... Oh and our pocket doors were also framed incorrectly so we (by we I mean Dave - our finish carpenter) had to remove drywall, cut studs, change the pocket door frame and repair so we could repaint. Nightmare.
2) We have trim! It's not 100% done yet but it will be by Thursday!
3) We've started finishing our stairs. It took me a few days to get the GIANT staples out that were holding down some protective plywood. It mostly took me so long because I was frustrated that anyone would intentionally use such an annoying method of securing plywood. I dented a couple stairs trying to get them out too.
Any that I gave up on got covered in tape and left for another day!
We conditioned and stained every other stair so we could still get up and down. That was a recommendation from my sister and it was great!
The risers will be black and the stringers will be white. Eventually...
4) The man we bought the barnboard from dropped off some goodies for our house! They came out of century old barns just like our floors... I can't wait to decorate!
There are spade hinges, a door latch, a pulley and a cart thingy. Technical term :)
5) OUR KITCHEN!! It's soooooo close to being completely done. I am SO in love. Don't mind the mess... We have cleaners scheduled for Thursday morning. I just can't clean up construction mess anymore. I've been doing it since October!
6) Our bathroom is taking shape too! The plumber is coming tomorrow to install the sinks and toilet.
7) Our walk in coset is a work in progress! It took me pretty much an entire day to put it all together and figure out the best design and use of space. I am quite happy with how it turned out.
See that gap behind the shelving? I didn't like it... So I cut a piece of pine around the baseboard and am going to paint it white and attach it to the side. I think it will make a huge improvement.
On the wall straight ahead will be a little white 3 drawer Ikea dresser and above it I'm going to hang a large cork board. I want to hang jewelry from it and also tac up any important piece of paper to avoid clutter!
On Friday we have two 8'x8'x20' shipping containers full of 2 households of our stuff... Time to unpack and prepare for the worlds largest garage sale! Jake has had his stuff in storage since July! He can't even remember what he has. The girls are dying for all of their stuff and I can't wait for the day when I can stop saying, "it's in storage"!
Wish us luck!