Jan 21, 2015

Stairway to... The laundry room!

Our stairs are in!!! Yay! Finally we don't have to climb up and down a ladder that barely reached the top! Totally safe :)

Our stairs were made by the same guy who's doing our kitchen and bathroom cabinetry and fire place mantel. So far, I'm really impressed!

We went with rustic hickory treads and we'll be painting the risers black. It's all unfinished now and we'll need to stain/oil and paint them ourselves. 

It's hard to see because they're all protected, but there is lots of colour variation in the wood, which I love!

You can see how giant these stairs are... He installed them by himself! That's right, just 1 guy. I was there, but I was almost afraid to watch!!

Our basement is going to be unfinished for a while, except for the laundry room, but we faked it because the staircase is open. There's drywall all the way down, and along the wall directly in front of the stairs. 

We'll put a piece of carpet down there for now and nobody will ever know! Except for anyone who reads this blog and anyone who comes over :)

The outside is progressing well too!

The drywall will be 100% done tomorrow and our flooring installer is starting the tile work at the end of the week.
Jake and his Dad worked hard all day today to get our floors ready for tile. 

Our trim is being delivered on Friday so we can start painting it. Doors will be delivered the following Friday and we'll hopefully start painting early next week!!  
I can't believe we're painting already! Woohoo! The end is in sight!

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