That's right, we're building another house.
Are we crazy?! I think so!
We love this house. We love Lucan. We love our property. But we don't love the distance between the girls' school and home. So we want to move closer. Right now we're about 25 minutes door-to-door. The drive to and from school isn't bad. The issue is when the girls have activities after school, but not until 5:30 or 6:00pm. We don't have time to come home in between and we end up just killing time in the car... for hours! And I don't know how we'd even deal with the distance when one is in high school and the other one is still in elementary school with two different start times. We hadn't really thought all of this through unfortunately.
So after LOTS of thought and lots of tears, we've decided to sell our pride and joy.
The first few weeks after our decision didn't feel real, but now that we've posted our house for sale on Facebook and people are coming through it, it has started to sink in. I know we're making the smartest decision for our family, but it's going to be really hard to leave this place. I thought of every square inch of this house in great detail and spent so much time and energy on planning our perfect home.
I'm sure the next family that moves in here will enjoy everything there is to offer, so that makes it sting a little less.
When I start feeling sad about selling our house, I try to think ahead of yet another amazing country property. Except this one is way closer to school!
Here we are... nervous and excited smiles!
I'll fill you in on more, once we know more! We're still working on floor plans and site plans and we're actually excited to do this all over again!
Always run with your dreams - nothing can stop you !